Wednesday, April 3, 2013

WIWW: Hello Spring..are you out there???

Spoke too soon....apparently 2 weeks in a row is my max. And let's not talk about the fact that I still have Christmas pictures to download off my {very nice} camera. Crap.

As always {well when I remember...}, linking up with the lovely ladies at What I Wore WednesdayWardrobe Wednesday and Random Wednesday.

While most of the country is enjoying the beginning of spring we've had 2 bouts of snow. Really Cincinnati? Despite the cold I'm doing my best to usher in Spring with bright colors...take that mother nature.

annnnd opening day. Cause I'm a sports fan :)

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  1. I have that same polka dot sweater that's in your first set of pics :) Also, love your opening day look!

    1. Don't you just love that sweater?! I wear it way too much ;)

  2. CUTE outfits! Love all the monogram and the fancy way to sport a tee!!

  3. Small world, I saw you on the WWIW link up. I'm from Cincinnati too, so of course I am loving your opening day outfit!

  4. Oh my gosh I kind of love all of these looks! The green pants and polka dot top is adorable, but I'm also loving the look with the red pants. So so cute!

  5. Love the first set of pics and one with the blue pants :) Such pretty looks!

    If you have a sec, hope you can drop by site and check my latest post.

  6. Love those outfits! Where did you get the necklace in the last one? I've been searching for something just like that! I'd love for you to link up to My Style Monday.

    1. Thanks Kayla! Honestly I don't remember where I got that necklace, I've had it for a really long time BUT I have seen a similar one at NY&Co recently! Thanks for the link, I'm excited to join up!


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