Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A (P)interesting Thanksgiving

Yes, it's taken me a week to post about Thanksgiving. I'm ok with it, hope you are, too :)

I know I keep talking about how much I love pinterest but I'm so serious about my love for this site! It helps keep my creativity pumping and has seriously cut down on my prep time for DIY projects. Before this obsession I would spend hours either scouring the internet or creating my own paper projects. Now all I have to do is type a phrase in the search box and I'm greeted by tons of pins.

Eat your heart out google image! Here's a peak into some of my Thanksgiving crafts and the pins that (p)inspired them.

{{{linking up with Dutch Being Me}}}
And {{{All Things lovely}}}

1.  Give Thanks Banner from here. Printed on cardstock and strung up with orange ribbon.

2. Kid's activity placemat from here.

This was by far the best thing I did. It kept the kids busy while we ate.The munchkins are not big fans of food right now so this kept peace at our table. Next year will be the introduction of a kids' table. It's time.

3. Napkin wraps and placecards from here. I used the placecard template from the same site to write a personal note to everyone. The notes were placed on top of their napkins and had a specific thing that I am thankful for/about them.

"Riley, I am thankful for your time baking with me"

"Mama, I am thankful for your love"

4. "I am thankful for..." cards from here. I asked the munchkins to write what they are thankful for and I used those cards to spruce up plain glass vases. I filled the vases with coffee beans and put some tea lights in each vase. Very simple and easy centerpiece. 

 This is my favorite one: "My grlfrend". A girlfriend at 6! That he's thankful for?! Oy vey. The best part is the spelling of girlfriend. Can't wait to show him this in 10 years!

Other random Turkey Day shots:

My diva-licious niece who wanted alternating red and polka dot nail polish on her nails and toes. She kept telling me how to paint her nails. Really? This isn't my first rodeo...

{this was all amazing. More please.}

{Hi Hubs! You're looking good!}

{someone was getting reprimanded about something}

Wishbone time!

 Riley won!

Trey cried. Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen...

Our first thanksgiving was a great success! The food was amazing and the company wasn't too bad ;) On our way up to Hubs' parents' house I suddenly realized that that my family didn't fight once from Thanksgiving eve to Thanksgiving day. You have no idea how much of a big deal this is. 

We're talking huge. 

Like if Louis Vuitton ever went on a sale with 50% off bags, huge. 


Like you could eat candy/cupcakes/ice cream and not gain any weight, huge. 

And we still haven't fought!! I totally just jinxed myself.

 Christmas should be interesting....
Pin It!


  1. OH my goodness....could you please come decorate for me next year! SO darling!! I love the kids placemats...that is the perfect idea. Loved all the little touches.
    Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving!
    Thanks for linking up! Love your blog!


  2. Awesome blog seister!!! And I am the only one not in awesome decorating as usual. ThAnks for hosting...... Ur amazing!
    Loves u


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