Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Birthday Celebration!

I looooove the holidays! I've always been really into Christmas and that love has continued to grow over the past few years. Holidays mean decorating, cookies, gift wrapping and....

My Birthday! 

Yay! Now don't get it twisted, the 'day' in 'birthday' actually means 7 days. For real, we have "the 7 days of Kristen" and hubs gets me a little love gift each day until the actual day of my birth. I'm not quite sure where the week of Kristen came from, I think I said something as a joke and then it just stuck. I'm pretty psyched that it did!

One of our newer birthday traditions is to take the niece and nephew ice skating on Fountain Square and then to my favoristist restaurant ever, Benihanas. I LOVE me some Bennis!

Since Hubs and I will be in Punta Cana on my actual birthday we went skating last night and it was so much fun! I use to figure skate when I was little so this tradition means a lot to me. Getting on the ice again is such a rush, it always makes me feel so free. So nice.

Here are a few shots from adventure. I can't thank my family enough for putting so much time and effort into making my bday special, I love you guys so much! More than ice skating and Beni's!

*sorry for the blurry pics, mom was in charge of the camera and she is just learning how to focus with it. But blurry pictures are better than no pictures!

 Ri wouldn't leave Hubs' side and Trey stayed with me most of the time. They both did amazing on the ice. At the end of the night Trey asked for his own ice skates...uh oh! Love it!

 Oh and by "Ri wouldn't leave Hubs' side" I meant that Hubs held her up most of the time.


Off to dinner at Beni's! Yummmmo

She *might* have had two bowls of ice cream. She may have a little bit of me in her...

 Then we did a little running to work that meal of. And by 'we' I mean "Trey".

And to end the night? Ri having a break down because we missed Santa and she thinks he left and forgot about her. Oy vey.

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  1. Happy month of kristen!!!!!! Loves u seister and love our traditions!!! U are the kids world!!!!! We love u. Happy bday!!!!

  2. Happy (almost) birthday Kristen! Hope you have a nice birthday on vaca. Although, it looks like you already had a wonderful time with your family. I remember how much you used to love to figure skate. :)


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