Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sweet Emotions

Do you have certain things that you'll do when your feeling different emotions? Here's a few of mine...

Watch Glee

Sick/really sad or sick...
 Watch the Brittany episode of Glee {saved on DVR for such occasions} or Center Stage. Oh yeah - takin' it back.

Clean, Clean, Clean. If hubs and I are fighting and I bust out the furniture spray he knows he's in serious trouble. No joke.

I dance around like a dork. Bonus points if it's in PJ shorts and my socks from the workday. Laughter is guaranteed. Hubs thinks it's pretty hot. It's ok to be a little jealous.

Smile, Smile, Smile :) If I'm super happy I'll be extremely ornery. At least that's what my staff says...

I go visit my closest friends; Loft, Banana, TJ Maxx and The Rack. And DSW. See why I have such a big closet? A little "Kristen" time goes a long way.

And if I'm just in a general bad mood there's nothing like spending a little time in the kitchen whipping up something tasty. It's much more effective if I have my little helpers with me...

Of course by the end of baking and 'tasting' the sweets, they normally look like this:

hahaha but seriously, few things make me as happy as moments like these:

 {That's my seister, mom, hubs and the niece and nephew decorating cookies, almost my entire side of the fam}

 We've been baking together since they were little - this was almost 3 years ago:

Hubs and I pick the N&N {niece and nephew} up from school on Mondays and Wednesdays, I'd say we bake something at least every other week. I'm the cool Aunt that let's them doesn't pay enough attention to stop them from licking the spoons. They're some of my favorite and most cherished memories.

What cheers you up???
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1 comment:

  1. so stinkin cute. you know what....your actually pretty funny. who knew ;) lol


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